Create unlimited beautiful images.

Create amazing artworks in seconds using the power of AI.  Try our art generator today, It’s FREE to try!

A single place to create images and socialize

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Generate high-quality images

Empower your creativity with our AI art generator and create images and art from text. Unlock Your Imagination for Free!

Edit And Upscale Images Icon

Socialize with the community

Connect with other creative individuals, share and discuss AI art within the community in one space and showcase your creative talents.

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AI generated group of images design
images design from AI generated images

How it works

Our image generating AI is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone. No matter your level of experience or expertise, you can easily create amazing images with our tool. Simply enter your prompt and let our AI do the rest – it's as easy as that!



Find 'Join the Beta' and tap on it to join the community. Discord is Free with a platform of over 500 million users.



After you get verified on Discord, choose an appropriate channel under create art here, and type "/dream: prompt" followed by text describing the image you want.



In around a minute you’ll receive four images. You can use upscale and create more variations. To save your images, all you need to do is click on the image and save it.

Learn more
AI DreamWorks portal on desktop
AI DreamWorks portal on mobile

Available on desktop and mobile

Experience our app on both desktop and mobile platforms. With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, transforming your ideas into stunning artwork has never been easier. Whether you're at your desk or on the go, our tool adapts seamlessly to provide a smooth and accessible creative process. Embrace the convenience and power of our AI Art Generator on any device, and unlock your artistic potential with ease.

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Generate different image styles

Our Free AI Artwork Generator will help you to generate unique artworks from your text description or photo in different styles in one click.

realistic image of a woman
realistic image of a lizard
realistic image of a clown
realistic image of a dog running
realistic image of a man wearing a yellow suit
realistic image of a sunset
realistic image of a parrot
realistic image of cat
image of woman with crows
fantasy image of a woman warrior
fantasy image of a woman with splatter rainbow
fantasy portrait of a punk woman
fantasy image of a man black and white
fantasy image of a girl with flowers
fantasy image of a humanoid cat
Anime art 1
Anime art 2
Anime art 3
Anime art 4
Anime art 5
Anime art 6
Anime art 7
Anime art 8
Anime art 9
Anime art 10
Digital art of a robot neon cat
Digital art of a 3d lion
Digital art of a monster in sea
Digital art of cute animal
Digital art of a sumarai girl with dark colors
Digital art of a woman swirl colors
Digital art of a underwater city
Digital art of a cute baby birds
Digital art of a pink cat in a spacesuit cartoon
Digital art of a fish with colors


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